Malifaux – Oiran

Oiran from the Ten Thunders Faction. You better do what they say.

Another box from my first Malifaux purchase at Salute 2017, the Oiran are some sort of geisha spies from the Ten Thunders faction. I had a traumatic experience with them when the matt varnish spray resulted in a powdery white cover. Since I used strong, vibrant colors with the models I had to repaint about 75 percent of them. D’oh! A quick research in the internet revealed that this is a widespread issue with matt varnish spray, and there are literally hundreds of blog entries on the topic. In this case the newly bought GW spray can was apparently from a bad batch.









This is the first model I painted and I like it the most. It’s probably because the freehand work on the kimono, though easy, came out better than expected. You can still see the white speckles from my matt varnish spray on the jade green dress and on the hands, which I didn’t bother to repaint. The face is ridiculously small and I couldn’t put down to red dots in symmetry. The highlights on the hair look very strong on the photo but in real life they come out just fine. All in all it was fun to paint.









After the varnish accident I had to repaint the hair, stockings and weapon of this mini. The other parts still have a greyish veil – the colors were much stronger and brighter before. It still bugs me when I think about it. The stockings looked much better before – it took almost one hour to paint them the first time – but couldn’t motivate myself to spend as much time again.

I tried to do some wood for the bases as I have never done wood before. Here I used matches for the floor and put some pieces from the backside of Warhammer plastic shields on top. The reason for this peculiar design is that I wanted to glue the model directly onto a plastic surface, as it is tiptoeing on geta/high heels and the strongest bond you get is with a plastic-plastic connection (pinning again being out of question). It looks kinda odd but at least it stands firm.









This model took me longer to paint than the other two, main reason being the fans. In hindsight I feel I used too many different colors – should have made that orange fan purple, too. Again you can see the parts which still have a white varnish-dust (stockings, base, right fan). I refrained from doing freehand patterns on the fan even thought I was tempted. But that “dust varnish” experience had broken my spirit and at that point I just wanted to get the models finished and start something new. I guess I still can come back later to add some fancy patterns.

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  1. I really love the vibrant colours on those. You must have been really annoyed when the bad batch of varnish wiped most of the hard work out.

  2. yeah, it’s something you wouldn’t wish to happen to your worst enemy.


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