Malifaux – Guild Guards and Guard Sergeant

A Guard Sergeant leading two Guild Guards

I bought the Guards at Salute to complement the Guild models from the Starter Set. Turns out nobody uses them because game-wise they suck. However, this won’t matter much in my non-competitive gaming group, as we are playing tabletop games for the fluff and the fun. The Guard Sergeant is a 1st edition model, the only metal miniature in my Malifaux collection so far.

Guild Guards, Guild Minions

I like this model a lot, one reason being that I like the Western theme. It shows that you don’t always need a lot of trappings or dynamic poses.


With the female guard model I tied to push the boundaries of my painting skills a little further, taking more time for the highlights than I usually do and using drybrushing only for the pants. No major frustrations during the paining process, even the face was not too much of a hassle.


Guard Sergeant, Guild Enforcer

I got this model as a bargain buy and will use it either as Guard Sergeant or as Captain Dashel from the Lucius box (not interested in the other minis from the Lucius box). This is the only metal miniature so far in my Malifaux collection. Most 1st edition metal minis have a different style than the new plastic ones, but this model fits in quite well despite not being true scale like the other Guild guard models. He was fun and easy to paint, taking me around 3 hours to finish. Just applied the base colors, painted the whole thing with black wash, and did some highlights. For the coat I actually used a mix of drybrushing and highlighting – these techniques are not incompatible opposites. I started drybrushing with only half-dried color and then smoothed the raised areas by painting on some highlights.

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